DTC P064A:00 [PCM (SKYACTIV-G 2.5T)]
DTC P064A:00 |
Fuel pump control module error |
• The difference between the actual fuel pressure and the target fuel pressure is 10 kPa {0.10 kgf/cm2, 1.5 psi} or more even though the fuel pressure feedback amount on the low pressure side remains high.
Diagnostic support note
• This is a continuous monitor (other).
• The check engine light does not illuminate.
• FREEZE FRAME DATA is not available.
• Snapshot data is available.
• DTC is stored in the PCM memory.
• Not applicable
• Fuel pump unit connector or terminals malfunction
• Fuel pump unit malfunction
• Fuel pump control module connector or terminals malfunction
• Short to ground in wiring harness between fuel pump unit terminal A and fuel pump control module terminal 2C
• Open circuit in wiring harness between the following terminals:
• Fuel pump control module malfunction
• PCM connector or terminals malfunction
• PCM malfunction
• If only DTC P064A:00 is stored, a DTC inspection is not necessary because this is not a vehicle malfunction. In this case, clear DCT P064A:00 stored in the PCM. (See CLEARING DTC [PCM (SKYACTIV-G 2.5T)].)
• If DTC P064A:00 and any of the following DTCs are stored at the same time, repair the malfunctioning location according to the applicable DTC troubleshooting. (See ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC TEST [PCM (SKYACTIV-G 2.5T)].)(See DTC TABLE [PCM (SKYACTIV-G 2.5T)].)
• If there is any inquiry related to drivability by a customer, verify that DTCs other than DTC P064A:00 have been stored and repair the malfunctioning location according to the applicable DTC troubleshooting. (See ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC TEST [PCM (SKYACTIV-G 2.5T)].)(See DTC TABLE [PCM (SKYACTIV-G 2.5T)].)