Special Service Tool (SST)
49 H027 002
Bearing remover
49 UB71 525
Bearing installer
49 W032 310
Support block
1. Disassemble in the order shown in the figure.
2. Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly.
Boot band (transaxle side larger diameter)
Outer ring
(See Outer Ring Disassembly Note.)
(See Outer Ring Assembly Note.)
Dust cover (2WD)
(See Dust Cover Disassembly Note.)
(See Dust Cover Assembly Note.)
Snap ring
(See Bearing Disassembly Note.)
(See Bearing Assembly Note.)
Snap ring
Tripod joint
Boot (transaxle side)
Boot band (dynamic damper)
Dynamic damper
(See Dynamic Damper Assembly Note.)
Outer joint component
Boot Band (Transaxle Side) Disassembly Note
Large diameter side
1. Grasp the boot band at the point shown in the figure using pliers, and remove the band.
Small diameter side
1. Grasp the boot band at the point shown in the figure using pliers, and remove the band.
Outer Ring Disassembly Note
1. Place alignment marks on the shaft and outer ring.
2. Secure the shaft in a vise.
3. Lightly tap the outer ring evenly using a hammer and urethane bar or equivalent, and remove the outer ring from the shaft.
4. Wipe off grease on the outer ring using a clean rag.
Dust Cover Disassembly Note
1. Remove the dust cover using a press and the SST.
Bearing Disassembly Note
1. Remove the bearing using a press and SST.
Snap Ring, Tripod Joint Disassembly Note
1. Place alignment marks on the shaft and tripod joint.
2. Remove the snap ring using snap ring pliers.
3. Remove the tripod joint from the shaft.
4. Wipe off grease on the shaft and tripod joint using a clean rag.
Boot (Transaxle Side) Disassembly Note
1. Wrap vinyl tape around the spline area of the shaft to prevent damage to the boot.
2. Remove the boot (transaxle side).
3. Wipe off grease on the boot (transaxle side) using a clean rag.
Dynamic Damper Assembly Note
1. Verify that the assembly position of the dynamic damper is within the standard.
Boot (Transaxle Side) Assembly Note
1. Insert the shaft through the boot (transaxle side) with the vinyl tape left wrapped around the spline area of the shaft.
2. Remove the vinyl tape wrapped around the spline of the shaft.
Tripod Joint, Snap Ring Assembly Note
1. Assemble the tripod joint with the shaft and tripod joint alignment marks aligned.
2. Assemble a new snap ring using snap ring pliers.
3. Verify that the snap ring is assembled correctly in the groove of the shaft.
Bearing Assembly Note
1. Assemble the new bearing using the SST and the press.
Dust Cover Assembly Note
1. Assemble a new dust cover using the SST and the press.
2. Verify that the installation position of the dust cover is within the specification.
Outer Ring Assembly Note
1. Apply the specified grease to the outer ring and boot (transaxle side).
2. Secure the outer ring in the vise.
3. After aligning the shaft and outer ring alignment marks, lightly tap the tripod joint evenly using a hammer and urethane bar or equivalent, and insert the outer ring little by little while maintaining the shaft perpendicular.
4. Assemble the boot (transaxle side) to the outer ring.
5. Set the drive shaft to the standard length.
Front drive shaft (tripod joint) full length (standard)
694.3—704.3 mm {27.34—27.72 in}
1075.3—1085.3 mm {42.335—42.728 in}
6. Release any trapped air from the boot by carefully lifting up the small end of the boot with a screwdriver wrapped in a clean rag.
7. Verify that the drive shaft length is within the standard when the inside of the boot is at atmospheric pressure.
Boot Band (Transaxle Side) Assembly Note
1. Grasp the boot band at the point shown in the figure using pliers and tighten the boot band.