Special Service Tool (SST)
1. : Mazda SST number
2. : Global SST number
1: 49 UN30 3050
2: 303–050
Engine lifting brackets
1: 49 C017 5A0
2: –
Engine support set
1: 49 L017 5A0
2: –
Support hanger
Replacement Part
Quantity: 1
Location of use: plug
1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION.)
2. Remove the air cleaner, air hose and fresh air duct as a single unit. (See INTAKE-AIR SYSTEM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-G 2.5T].)
3. Remove the battery and battery tray. (See BATTERY REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
4. Remove the wiring harness with the bracket from the transaxle.
5. Remove the turbocharger air outlet pipe component installation nuts.
6. Remove the EGR pipe bracket installation bolts.
7. Remove the front splash shield. (See FRONT SPLASH SHIELD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
8. Disconnect the electric AT oil pump connector. (With electric AT oil pump)
9. Remove the wiring harness with the bracket from the transaxle. (With electric AT oil pump)
10. Disconnect the control valve body connector.
11. Disconnect the ground cable.
12. Disconnect the selector cable from the transaxle. (See AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE SHIFT MECHANISM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
13. Remove the selector cable bracket.
14. Disconnect the breather hose from the transaxle.
16. Disconnect the intermediate shaft from the steering gear and linkage. (See STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
17. Remove the front tires. (See WHEEL AND TIRE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
18. Remove the front under cover No.2. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.2 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
19. Remove the front under cover No.1. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.1 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
20. Drain the engine coolant. (See ENGINE COOLANT REPLACEMENT [SKYACTIV-G 2.5T].)
22. Disconnect the oil hose from the transaxle. (With oil cooler No.2) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
23. Remove the bolts shown in the figure and set the oil pipe component in a place which does not interfere with the servicing. (With oil cooler No.2) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
24. Disconnect the oil cooler from the transaxle with the hose connected. (Except automatic transaxle replacement) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
25. Disconnect the water hose from the oil cooler. (Automatic transaxle replacement) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
26. Remove the starter. (See STARTER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-G 2.5T].)
27. Remove the blind cover.
28. Hold the crankshaft pulley to prevent drive plate from rotating.
29. Remove the torque converter nuts from the starter installation hole.
30. Disconnect the front ABS wheel-speed sensors from the steering knuckles. (See FRONT ABS WHEEL-SPEED SENSOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
31. Disconnect the clips securing the brake hose from the front shock absorbers. (See BRAKE HOSE (FRONT) REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
32. Disconnect the tie-rod end ball joints from the steering knuckles. (See STEERING GEAR AND LINKAGE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
33. Disconnect the front lower arms from the steering knuckles. (See FRONT LOWER ARM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
34. Disconnect the front stabilizer control links from the front stabilizer. (See FRONT STABILIZER REMOVAL.)
35. Disconnect the front drive shaft (LH) from the transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
36. Disconnect the front drive shaft (RH) from the transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
37. Remove the front crossmember component and No.1 engine mount rubber as a single unit. (See FRONT CROSSMEMBER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
38. Remove the bracket plate No.1 and No.1 engine mount bracket component from the transaxle.
39. Install the SST using the following procedures.
Engine front side
Engine rear side
40. Remove in the order shown in the figure.
Transaxle mounting bolts (upper side)
No.4 engine mount bracket
Transaxle mounting bolts (lower side)
No.4 engine mount bracket removal note
1. Place alignment marks on the locations shown in the figure so that they can be assembled to the same positions as before removal.
2. Remove the No.4 engine mount bracket.
Transaxle mounting bolt removal note
1. Adjust the SST and lean the engine toward the transaxle.
2. Support the transaxle on a jack.
3. Remove the transaxle mounting bolts (lower side).
4. Remove the transaxle.
1. If the transaxle is replaced with a new one, perform the following procedure.
2. Verify that the torque converter stud bolts are inserted into the drive plate bolt holes from the starter installation hole.
3. Install the transaxle mounting bolts.
4. Tighten the stud bolts for the transaxle.
5. Install the No.4 engine mount bracket to No.4 engine mount rubber, and temporarily tighten the installation bolt.
6. Pull up the transaxle using the SSTs, pass the transaxle stud bolts through the No.4 engine mount bracket, and temporarily tighten the No.4 engine mount installation nuts.
7. Install the No.1 engine mount bracket component and the bracket plate No.1 to the transaxle, and temporarily tighten the installation bolts.
8. Install the front crossmember component and No.1 engine mount rubber as a single unit. (See FRONT CROSSMEMBER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
9. Temporarily tighten the No.1 engine mount rubber installation bolts.
10. Align the positions of the No.4 engine mount bracket installation nuts with the No.4 engine mount bracket.
11. Tighten the No.4 engine mount bracket installation nuts and bolt in the order shown in the figure.
No. |
Tightening torque |
1, 2, 3
92—116 N·m {9.4—11 kgf·m, 69—85 ft·lbf}
81—99 N·m {8.3—10 kgf·m, 60—73 ft·lbf}
12. Tighten the No.1 engine mount bracket component and bracket plate No.1 installation bolts in the order shown in the figure.
13. Tighten the No.1 engine mount rubber installation bolts.
14. Remove the SSTs.
15. Install the cowl panel. (See COWL PANEL REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
16. Install the cowl grille. (See COWL GRILLE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
17. Install the windshield wiper arm and blade. (See WINDSHIELD WIPER ARM AND BLADE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
18. Connect the clip shown in the figure to the protector.
19. Install the bolts and clip shown in the figure.
20. Fix the crankshaft pulley to lock the torque converter against rotation.
21. Tighten the torque converter installation nut.
22. Install the blind cover.
23. Install the starter. (See STARTER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-G 2.5T].)
24. Connect the front drive shaft (RH) to the transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
25. Connect the front drive shaft (LH) to the transaxle. (See FRONT DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
26. Connect the front stabilizer control links to the front stabilizer. (See FRONT STABILIZER INSTALLATION.)
27. Connect the front lower arms to the steering knuckles. (See FRONT LOWER ARM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
28. Connect the tie-rod end ball joints to the steering knuckles. (See STEERING GEAR AND LINKAGE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
29. Connect the clips securing the brake hose to the front shock absorbers. (See BRAKE HOSE (FRONT) REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
30. Connect the front ABS wheel-speed sensors to the steering knuckles. (See FRONT ABS WHEEL-SPEED SENSOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
31. Connect the water hose to the oil cooler. (Automatic transaxle replacement) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
32. Connect the oil cooler to the transaxle with the hose connected. (Except automatic transaxle replacement) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
33. Connect the oil pipe component. (With oil cooler No.2) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
34. Connect the oil hose to the transaxle. (With oil cooler No.2) (See OIL COOLER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
35. Install the front under cover No.1. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.1 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
36. Install the front under cover No.2. (See FRONT UNDER COVER No.2 REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
37. Install the front tires. (See WHEEL AND TIRE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
38. Install the intermediate shaft to the steering gear and linkage. (See STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
40. Connect the breather hose to the transaxle.
41. Install the selector cable bracket.
42. Connect the selector cable to the transaxle. (See AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE SHIFT MECHANISM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
43. Connect the ground cable as shown in the figure.
44. Connect the control valve body connector.
45. Install the wiring harness with the bracket to the transaxle. (With electric AT oil pump)
46. Connect the electric AT oil pump connector. (With electric AT oil pump)
47. Install the front splash shield. (See FRONT SPLASH SHIELD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
48. Install the water pipe bracket installation bolts.
49. Install the turbocharger air outlet pipe component installation nuts.
50. Install the wiring harness with the bracket to the transaxle.
51. Install the battery and battery tray. (See BATTERY REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
52. Install the air cleaner, air hose and fresh air duct as a single unit. (See INTAKE-AIR SYSTEM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION [SKYACTIV-G 2.5T].)
53. Connect the negative battery terminal. (See NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL DISCONNECTION/CONNECTION.)
54. Refill the engine coolant. (See ENGINE COOLANT REPLACEMENT [SKYACTIV-G 2.5T].)
56. Perform the “TCM configuration” (Automatic Transaxle Replacement). (See TCM CONFIGURATION [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
57. Perform the “Initial Learning” (automatic transaxle replacement). (See INITIAL LEARNING [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)
58. Perform the “Mechanical System Test”. (See MECHANICAL SYSTEM TEST [GW6A-EL, GW6AX-EL].)